FAMI Workshop Manuals
Project Scope
The FAMI workshop is designed to give movement professionals (e.g. pilates instructors, yoga instructors, and personal trainers) access to a med school-like environment. Over the course of four days attendees hear lectures from med school anatomy professors and practicing clinicians. Beyond lectures, attendees also get to spend time in the gross anatomy lab viewing cadaver prosections. This experience is invaluable for the attendee as normally this type of experience would only be available to med school students. A second ancillary workshop (FAMI 2) is also held each year giving a specific breakdown of a body region, a more specific knowledge of movement, and various pathologies for the region.
The manual for the workshop largely contains reference material for use during and after the workshop. 
In addition to the digital and print materials for the workshop, I also created the video presentations for FAMI Semester and the video marketing for FAMI Workshop.
FAMI Semester
FAMI Workshop
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